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GBA Business School Forum – Unicorns versus Zebras – Why Startups should consider a different approach : Reflections on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the GBA

Date: 20230621

At the “GBA Business School Forum”, Professor Witman Hung, JP, Co-Founder , Shenzhen Zebras Technology Startup Acceleration Limited, talked about “Unicorns versus Zebras – Why Startups should consider a different approach : Reflections on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the GBA”

Guest Host : Dr. Li Chan-wing, Senior Consultant, GBA Business School
Master of Ceremonies: Dexter Chan, FWD Life Insurance
Venue Sponsor: Dr Lester Lee, FWD Life Insurance

Discussion Points:

  1. The unicorn concept of “disruptive innovation” vs the zebra concept “transformational innovation”
  2. Venture capital focuses on “speed” rather than “quality”
  3. Silicon Valley focuses on “economic returns” and underestimates “social benefits”
  4. “Pigs on the wind” and “cows on the ground” can coexist