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The GBA Business School will play a “Super-Connector” role, coordinating and collaborating with different organizations, gathering talents, pooling wisdom, and in turn offering strategic plans and proposals for the development of the Greater Bay Area.
We are now in the process of establishing a knowledge base and talents network, bringing together experts from different sectors and “leader-scholars” with a background of both academic excellence and industrial competence.
We hope to form strategic partnerships with both the public and private sectors, providing them with the necessary information and support that will contribute to the Greater Bay Area. Through our cooperation with different industries and enterprises, we will carry out relevant research, with results and findings that will be shared back with the society.
For members of our young generation interested in starting business or establishing career in the Greater Bay Area, and all who have a thirst for knowledge in business management, the GBA Business School will provide the necessary support.
Not bound by traditions and conventions, the GBA Business School will design its programmes and courses according to the practical needs of the society following changing times and circumstances.
For the time being, we are producing a series of seminars entitled “New Strategic Thinking for the Greater Bay Area”, with leaders invited from different sectors to share their practical experiences and insights. In addition, we will also organize online and offline workshops, and even tailor-made leadership training programmes for individual enterprises.
Looking forward, we will strengthen and develop our research and consulting capabilities progressively, helping to equip the Greater Bay Area with leaders and top talents on a multi-dimensional basis.
We hope not only will all students going through our programmes be able to keep up with the times, use a global perspective and adopt entrepreneurial practices, they will also be able to master innovations through technology and develop unique insights in combining Eastern and Western concepts, thereby bringing higher values towards building a better society for the Greater Bay Area.
As in a Chinese proverb, “diligence will be rewarded by heaven; trustworthiness will be rewarded in business”. We will bend over backwards in our effort to achieve our objectives of nurturing future entrepreneurs and thereby creating enterprises of the future.