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GBA Business School: 2023 Greater Bay Area Visiting Team (Project # 4)In order to understand the three purposes of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: to work, live and travel, the GBA Business School visited Macau Fu Hong Society. (1) President Maria Fatima, (2) Director General Jennifer Chau, and (3) Project Manager Roy Leong explained in detail “Macau Fu Hong Society’s values, goals, vision and service objects” — 18/12/2023 @ Fu Hong Society of Macau

Date: 20231218

Co-ordinator and Moderator: Professor Howard Ling, social enterprise consultant of Fuhong Society of Macau
Talking Points:

  1. Provide services to people with intellectual disabilities, people with autism and people with mental illness
  2. Improve their knowledge, skills and overall learning ability
  3. Hopefully they can fully develop physically and mentally in all aspects
  4. Actively seek more opportunities for the participants to work outside the home
  5. Help them integrate into society
  6. In addition to services, Fuhong Society also offers art training courses for people with disabilities
  7. Encourage audiences to actively participate in various types of exhibitions and cultural and creative activities to enrich the lives of people with disabilities