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Professor Andrew Chi-Fai CHAN, SBS, JP
BBA(CUHK); MBA(Berkeley); PhD(CUHK)
Professor Terence CHONG
BSocSc(CUHK); MA, PhD(Rochester)
Ir Dr. Alan Hiu-Fung LAM
Professor Howard Ho-Wan LING, MH
BSc (Illinois); MBA (CUHK)
Professor Dicky Y. K SHEK
Professor Hugh THOMAS
BA(Alberta); MBA(CUHK); PhD(New York)
Professor Jeff YEUNG
BSc (National Cheng Kung University);
MSc (University of Houston); PhD (QUT)
Mrs. Eva Kam-Fun CHENG Li, JP
President of Our Hong Kong Foundation
Dr. Wing-Man KO, GBS, BBS, JP
Former Secretary of Food and Health, HKSAR Government
Dr. Lee George LAM, BBS
Chairman, Cyberport
Ms. Dorcas LAU
Former CEO of Vitasoy, Hong Kong Operation
Mr. Stephen PHILLIPS
Director-General of Investment Promotion ;
Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government
Professor Kam-Fai WONG
Associate Dean (External Affairs),
Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Mr. Peter King-Shun YAN, JP
Chief Executive Officer
The Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
Dr. Denis Shing-Fai YIP
Chief Executive Officer
Professor Frederick YUNG
Adjunt Professor
Heng Seng University