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“Shenzhen-Hongkong-Macau FinTech Professional Program" Level One Training


HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue , Kowloon Tong

Start Date:



Ms. CHAN 2788 5634 | Ms. LUI 2788 5919 Email :training_2213@hkpc.org




Shenzhen-Hongkong-Macau FinTech Professional Program (SHMFTPP), which is fully supported by Shenzhen Municipal Local Financial Regulatory Bureau, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Monetary Authority of Macao, is implemented in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau via industry associations, tertiary institutes or research centres, and it establishes a financial technology talent training mechanism integrating “examination, training and certification”.

Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) is pleased to be appointed by Secretariat of SHMFTPP and partner with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and GBA Business School (GBABS) to organise the SHMFTPP training course aims to cultivate talents who are interested in the development of the Fintech industry in the Greater Bay Area, equipping them with practical Fintech knowledge, and to promote the professional certification of the SHMFTPP through this course.

Upon completion of the training course, those who meet the attendance rate (75% or above) will receive a Certificate of Completion jointly issued by HKCS, HKPC and GBABS. Candidates who passed the examination will be awarded the SHMFTPP Level One Certificate.


2024 September 7 (full), September 21 (full), September 28 (full), October 5 (full), October 12 (full), October 19 (full), *November 2 (full), November 16 (half)


Class hours are from 9 am to 6:30 pm all day

Half-day classes are from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

*Full-day classes on November 2 will be from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Program hours

Total 56 hours


HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Course Fee – NITTP Approved

HK$22,500 (May apply up to HK$15,000 subsidy, final grant subjects to approval)
This course (HKPC/130/2023(RT)) is an approved New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (NITTP), which offers up to 2/3 course fee reimbursement upon successful applications. For details: https://nittp.vtc.edu.hk/.

Course Fee – Online Training Only

HK$14,800 Exclusive for participants join via online only, those who enroll at a discounted rate are not eligible to apply for the “New Industrialization and Technology Training Programme”.

Course Fee – Exclusive for Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) Members

HK$13,800 Exclusive to HKCS members , those who enroll at a discounted rate are not eligible to apply for the “New Industrialization and Technology Training Programe”. For membership inquiries, please contact Ms. CHAN 2788 5634 | Ms. LUI 2788 5919 training_2213@hkpc.org.

  • 《金融通識及相關科技應用》
  • 《金融倫理通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《金融標準化通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《監管與合規通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《戰略性新興産業通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《創新管理通識與綜合素質通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《經濟通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《財會通識及相關應用科技》
  • 《雲計算與信息安全通識》
  • 《人工智能通識》
  • 《大數據通識》
  • 《區塊鏈通識》
  • 《5G與物聯網通識》
Registration link:https://www.hkpcacademy.org/10015982-01-shmftpp/