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GBA Business School invited Dr. Patrick Lau, Deputy Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, to give a lecture on “Seizing Opportunities — Hong Kong Trade Development Council Strategies” — 13/01/2024 @ GBA Business School

日期: 20240113

Forum moderator: Lawrence Chan, Associate Vice President of GBA Business School
Guest host: Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of School of Communication, Hang Seng University
Discussion points:

  1. HKTDC’s Greater Bay Area Strategy
  2. How does the HKTDC promote the dual circulation effect of GBA with other parts of the world?
  3. How to help enterprises upgrade and transform to achieve high-quality development?
  4. How to realize the synergy and complementary effect of the 11 cities in the Greater Bay Area?
  5. HKTDC’s GoGBA and GoGBA 2.0 programs
  6. How to help develop the new positioning of Hong Kong as a brand?