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Discussing “The Belt-Road Initiative : What’s in it for The Greater Bay Area” with GBA Business School participants and friends — 08/06/2024 @ GBA Business School

日期: 08/06/2024

Discussion points:

  1. The coercion of geopolitics: China has become the eye of the storm
  2. The country’s One Belt, One Road strategy
  3. What is the Belt and Road Initiative?
  4. Principles of cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
  5. The core five links of the Belt and Road Initiative
  6. The strategic purpose of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
  7. The importance of the Greater Bay Area under the Belt and Road Initiative
  8. Hong Kong’s unique advantages
  9. Different views on the Belt and Road Initiative —
  • Mr John KC Lee
    Chief Executive, HKSAR
  • Mr. Ho Lik Chi, Nicholas
    Commissioner for Belt and Road
  • Dr. Edward Tse
    Gao Feng Advisory Company
  • Mr. Shih Wing Ching
    Centaline Group