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日期: 20230115

大灣區商學院論壇 #13-6:禢駿遠 — 知臨集團(納斯達克和泛歐交易所上市)創辦人 向大灣區商學院學員發表 題為 “成敗曹操:歴史典故對現代企業管治之啟示” 的演講 — 15/01/2023 @ 永安廣場


1. 儒家和法家的揉合;

2. 婚姻與政治;

3. 「由治至亂」和「由亂至治」;

4.  204X年是怎樣的一個世界?

Ian Huen, Founder of Aptorum Group Ltd (Nasdaq & Euronext), delivering a talk on “What we can learn from Cao Cao (曹操) in Devising Strategies in the Contemporary Business World” to GBA Business School participants — 15/01/2023 @ Wing On Plaza   @ GBA Business School   #LEAP

Learning Points:

1. Kneading of Confucianism & Legalism.

2. Marriage and Politics.

3. The Historical Development: from Static to Dynamic and vice versa;

4. What will happen in 204X?