「大灣區商學論壇 #14-5」
日期: 20230219
凌浩雲教授 和 林曉鋒教授 領導大灣區商學院學員學習:創業項目的開展和演示 — 19/02/2023 @ 尖東永安廣場
1. 體藝共融中心 — 大灣區計劃
3. 中小企業綠色之路
4. 院舍智慧管理系統平台
5. 全民綠色智慧
Professor Howard Ling and Professor Alan Lam Leading the Conduction and Presentation of the GBA Business School Building Block 3: Entrepreneurship Project — 19/02/2023 @ Wing On Plaza
Project Scopes:
1. Body and Art Communion Center in GBA
2. Sharing of Creative Sweetness in “Share Sweet”
3. Think Clean for SME
4. Smart House for the Aged Platform,
5. Green Talent Data for All