「大灣區商學論壇」 GBA Forum#10-2
日期: 20221015
大灣區商學論壇 #10-2:東驥基金管理有限公司董事總經理 龐寶林先生 主持「初創融資面面觀」研討會 — 15/10/2022 @ 大灣區商學院
- 風口吹向哪裏你便要去哪裏
- 綠水青山便是金山銀山
- 大灣區潛力無限
- 失敗便是給你一個更優化的機會
Mr. Paul Pong, Managing Director of Pegasus Fund Managers Ltd. conducted a discussion session on “My experience sharing on start-up financing “— 15/10/2022 @ GBA Business School #LEAP
Key reflections:
- The policy gives you a clear direction to proceed
- Clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets
- The Greater Bay Area has unlimited potential
- Failure gives you a chance to optimize