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Discuss the following issues with a group of young people who are interested in I-Ching and management, both online and offline: “A brief discussion of two hexagrams — the “Zhun Hexagram 屯卦” and the “Litigation Hexagram 訟卦”: Part 2″ — 24/08/2024

Date: 24/08/2024

Discuss the following issues with a group of young people who are interested in I-Ching and management, both online and offline: “A brief discussion of two hexagrams — the “Zhun Hexagram 屯卦” and the “Litigation Hexagram 訟卦”: Part 2″ — 24/08/2024

Discussion scope:

1. Use the “Zhun Hexagram 屯卦” to discuss how an asset management company in its early stage can break out?

3. To develop smoothly, it is appropriate to stick to the right path

4. Don’t make hasty decisions or act rashly

5. Build first and wait until the opportunity comes.

6. Use the “Litigation Hexagram 訟卦” to discuss the situation where a real estate company has a dispute with buyers and a lawsuits arise

8. During the litigation process, both parties must have evidence

9. Reconciliation is the best policy, otherwise difficulties may arise

10. When litigating, it is necessary to have a fair and strict system and a magistrate

11. If the litigation drags on, it will be difficult to move

12. Therefore, good planning must be made before making an agreement