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School Philosophy

The Six Pillars are our philosophy in running the GBA Business School. These are also the same characteristics which we expect our participants to use in conducting themselves.

Context Relevancy

Be flexible, make adjustments according to needs of changing time and place, not be constrained by traditions and conventions

Programs are designed according to the needs of the specific time and place


Be pragmatic, combine theories and practices to establish effective actions

Programs are designed to serve practical needs of the society

Entreprene- urship

Cultivating a creative mindset, developing innovative products and services that advance human welfare,

reflecting a true entrepreneurial spirit of grit and persistence.

Technology Strength

Be innovative, master technology as an enabler for achieving success

Technology, innovation and data analytics are the major thrusts in our teaching and research

East x West

Be intercultural, embrace knowledge from different cultures and schools of thought, integrate wisdoms from both the East and the West to formulate new ways of management thinking

Chinese philosophies from Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Legalism, as well as Western philosophies and sciences, are all included in our programs


Be inclusive, live and let live, and win by integrity

We gather talents from all over the world and pool wisdom from various sources to develop future leaders of the world